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Hanwell Mental Institute Mystery Deepens (Updated: 3rd and 4th Videos)



I received the following message from an individual who identified himself as Leonard Huntings (though this is possibly a pseudonym). It was apparently reconstructed from an analog source and remastered for internet distribution. It's a little creepy...

Please, release immediately.

UNDISCLOSED LOCATION - June 4, 2010. The following tape was found at a

confidential archive and has been painstakingly restored. It proves

beyond doubt that what happened at the Hanwell Mental Institute is

true. This is only a very small glimpse of the atrocities committed

there. I can show you more...

I beg you to refrain from contacting me as I have put myself in great

danger already. Thank you, and spread the word.

Appended to this message was the video itself, which I am presenting here:

It's currently impossible to know where this video orginated, as I don't know anybody named Leonard Huntings. An educated guess would be that it somehow ties in with FaceTheHorror.com, and is related to Senscape Interactive's Unnamable Project, but I can't be sure without more evidence and despite repeated efforts to contact the developers, I've gotten no response from them at all on the matter, so maybe they think I'm crazy myself. Hope I'm not burning bridges with this.

Hanwell Mental Institute does actually exist. Well, a place called "Hanwell Asylum" truly does exist (you can read the wikipedia entry about it and decide whether or not it's a place you'd like to visit) in England. If this video is related to the real place, then the secrets Leonard references could date back to the late 1800s and we could all be getting in over our heads. About all I can say is that as soon as I hear more, I'll post it here.


I've received another message from "Leonard" with a second video embedded. I'm reproducing it here:

The Second Recording Is Revealed

Please... release it now.

UNDISCLOSED LOCATION - June 11, 2010. The second part of the recovered

tape is made available. It gets much worse from now on. I’m not sure

if I should show you the rest... Is this enough to convince you that

the rumors about Hanwell Mental Institute are real? Look closely and

pay attention: this is what they did to my friend. They did it to me

as well. And you.

I may not be able to continue with this. You should spread the word.

The video is here:

Update 2!

Two more videos from Leonard have been released. The third came without an accompanying e-mail, but

The fourth one did show up in my mailbox, accompanied by the following text:

Dear friend...

I write this letter to you under a great deal of pressure. I have been hiding in the shadows, trying to tell to you the truth, but they found about it and now they are coming for me. The last recording that I recovered is now available and nothing was the same after it... Bertrand was the first and then came many others. Including myself...

You have to come to the Hanwell Mental Institute. I know this is happening to you as well... If you are not convinced yet, please, I beg you to watch the final session.

This is the last you will hear from me...


The embedded video followed:

What is going on at Hanwell? The end of the video gives an Internet address that will be familiar to readers of this blog. Face The Horror and perhaps we'll all live to see another day. I'll be leaving for Hanwell soon, to see if I can get any more answers. If you don't hear from me by July 9th, you should probably assume the worst. But I have to know. I have to know.

Even if it kills me.

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